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Azores Micromoths VI - Several Families

This group of Azores Micromoths VI includes 23 species belonging to the following families: Argyresthiidae (2), Autostichiidae (1), Bedelliidae (1), Choreutidae (1), Coleophoridae (1), Cosmopterigidae (2), Depressariidae (1), Epermeniidae (1), Nepticulidae (1), Plutellidae (1), Praydidae (2), Psychidae (1), Pterophoridae (5) and Stathmopodidae (3).

Argyresthia atlanticella

Bedellia somnulentella

Cosmopterix pulchrimella

Epermenia aequidentella

Prays citri

Amblyptilia acanthadactyla

Stenoptilia meyeri

Neomariania oecophorella

Argyresthia brumella

Tebenna micalis

Pyroderces argyrogrammos

Stigmella aurella

Prays oleae

Emmelina monodactyla

Stenoptilia zophodactylus

Neomariania scriptella

Oegoconia novimundi

Coleophora versurella

Depressaria marcella

Plutella xylostella

Luffia lapidella

Lantanophaga pusillidactylus

Neomariania incertella

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